FieldServer - QuickServer LonWorks BACnet MS/TP

The FS-QS-1011-0345 QuickServer provides a cost-effective, easy to use interface from LonWorks to BACnet MS/TP.




Protocol Datasheets



Gateway Datasheets


Configuration Manuals





  • This gateway can read data from your LonWorks devices and publish it as BACnet MSTP data.
  • It can also write to the LonWorks devices.
  • This gateway can also do the reverse, read BACnet MSTP data and publish it as LonWorks data.
  • It can also write to the BACnet MSTP devices.

In summary, this gateway can act as:

Master on the LonWorks network: Hence it is capable of reading data from the various Modbus slave devices and writing data to them if required.

Slave on the LonWorks network: You can use the gateway in this mode if you have a LonWorks master on the network which would be reading data from the gateway.

Client/Master on the BACnet MSTP network: Hence it is capable of reading data from the various BACnet MSTP devices and writing data to them if required.

Server/Slave on the BACnet MSTP network: The gateway can be configured to be a server of data values , hence another BACnet MSTP client can read data from the gateway and write data into the gateway.


QuickServer Key Features:

  • Ability to interface up to 250 points of common BAS protocols
  • Multi-configuration capability; specific configurations selectable via DIP switches or software
  • Flat panel mount standard, DIN rail mount option
  • DIP switches to select baud rate or node ID on the fly
  • LonMark Certified

LonWorks driver:

  • The FieldServer LonWorks device can be used with explicit and/or implicit addressing and can be bound to a maximum of 15 other LonWorks nodes. The QuickServer can handle a maximum of 250 explicitly addressed nodes. The QuickServer currently supports a default of 63 network variable aliases to avoid network variable connection constraints.
  • QuickServer can transfer data (Network Variables) in two ways
    • It can poll (request data from) other devices at a regular interval
    • It can send Network Variable Updates at a regular interval, when data has changed, or, in throttled mode using maximum and minimum send time and change on delta parameters
  • QuickServer can be configured by Network Management Tools such as LonMaker. For binding (implicit mode), a Network Management Tool is necessary to create the bindings.
  • The External Interface File (.XIF) for the QuickServer can be uploaded from FieldServer for a particular application
  • Driver type: Client or Server
  • Connection type: FTT-10 Free Topology Network Transceiver
  • Data types supported:
    • Integers (Long, short, signed, unsigned)
    • Float
    • Byte
    • Bit

BACnet MS/TP driver:

    • Driver type: Client or Server
    • Data Link layer: MS/TP master (Clause 9), baud rate up to 38.4 Kbps, MS/TP slave (Clause 9), baud rate up to 38.4 Kbps
    • Connection type: RS-485 (two wire, half duplex)
    • Baud rates: 9600, 38400, 76800
    • BACnet COV support for fast data communication while reducing traffic over a BACnet network
    • Data types supported:
      • AI - Analog Input Object
      • AO - Analog Output Object
      • AV - Analog Value Object
      • BI - Binary Input Object
      • BO - Binary Output Object
      • BV - Binary Value Object
      • MI - Multi-state Input Object
      • MO - Multi-state Output Object
      • MV - Multi-state Value Object
  • LonWorks is a trademark of Echelon Corporation
  • BACnet is a trademark of ASHRAE


How to configure the FieldServer gateway?

-We will configure the gateway for you based on your requirement and support you during commissioning of the gateway, so you do not  have to worry about configuring the FieldServer gateway.

-However, it is very helpful to know how to configure the devices. All the required tools and supporting product manuals with be provided completely free of cost with your purchase.

-Configuration of the FieldServer is done using a '.csv' file. This file can be edited using any text editor (example Microsoft excel).

-In this file we need to enter information for the Client and Server side interfaces of the FieldServer. This includes but is not limited to:

                Node ids of the slave devices

                IP addresses/device address of the slave devices

                Baud rate, parity, stop bits for serial communication

                Scan rates

- And finally we need to create an internal mapping that would map each data value read on the client side to a data value on the server side.

-For detailed information on configuration please get in touch with us and review the configuration manual on top of this page